Performance during Covid, and moving forward
Reviewing product innovations over past 2 years: what has worked and what hasn't?
What is missing?
International performance comparisons
Borrower, exporter and financier views
Moving forward - what's the plan?
Who are the winners and losers?
What does it mean for euro and dollar-denominated long-term debt?
What happened in the 70s and what can we learn for today?
Will emerging economies be able to afford export finance in the future?
How long will fixed price projects be absent for, and who bears the risk for variation?
Who absorbs the new expenses and can ECAs play a role?
An update on what will now be possible under German export credit, considering government commitment to upholding the Paris Agreement
- Defining eligibility
- Specific examples and case studies on what used to be included and what is included now
The move to carbon zero necessitates investment, but is interpretation of the EU taxonomy across the supply chain preventing this from happening?
What sorts of transactions still work under the current arrangement and which do not?
Which incentives work and which incentives are not going to move the needle?
What impact will sustainability criteria have on upcoming foreign content discussion?
Who takes the risk as the economy gets greener and are ECAs doing enough?
Who else can take risk or must it be the ECA?
This session will begin with a presentation from the moderator, before opening up into a panel discussion. The presentation will look at the size of the CPRI market, new entrants, capacities per product and claim stats - all with a view to giving an insight into the performance of the market during this time of crisis. The discussion will focus on new countries and sectors that can replace Russia and Russian commodities, where exporters are currently looking to grow, and what opportunities and challenges they foresee as they do so.
What has worked and what is missing?
Is the model still functioning effectively?
'Bureaucrazy' - are requirments limiting the potential of export finance at a core time?
Can decision times be shortened or eligibility loosened?
Which part of the export finance supply chain is most in need of revamping?
Is "Export Credit Agency" still the right term?
Role of ECAs in domestic business and domestic energy transition
ECAs in OECD borrower countries
What other ways might state support be delivered
The question of lender, guarantor, or provider of concessional finance?
Is the model still functioning correctly? ECAs: Why do a wide variety of ECAs focus more on working capital support?
What are the opportunities offered by working capital instruments for export finance?
Is more working capital support by ECAs desirable?
What role does an ECA play in encouraging a more diverse supply chain? What role does eligibility play, and what incentives can be put in place to encourage strategic sourcing, and friend-shoring?
Will we see a mismatch with eligibility requirements, which have become looser over time?
What role can ECAs play to ensure raw materials are secured?
Performance during Covid, and moving forward
Reviewing product innovations over past 2 years: what has worked and what hasn't?
What is missing?
International performance comparisons
Borrower, exporter and financier views
Moving forward - what's the plan?
Who are the winners and losers?
What does it mean for euro and dollar-denominated long-term debt?
What happened in the 70s and what can we learn for today?
Will emerging economies be able to afford export finance in the future?
How long will fixed price projects be absent for, and who bears the risk for variation?
Who absorbs the new expenses and can ECAs play a role?
An update on what will now be possible under German export credit, considering government commitment to upholding the Paris Agreement
- Defining eligibility
- Specific examples and case studies on what used to be included and what is included now
The move to carbon zero necessitates investment, but is interpretation of the EU taxonomy across the supply chain preventing this from happening?
What sorts of transactions still work under the current arrangement and which do not?
Which incentives work and which incentives are not going to move the needle?
What impact will sustainability criteria have on upcoming foreign content discussion?
Who takes the risk as the economy gets greener and are ECAs doing enough?
Who else can take risk or must it be the ECA?
This session will begin with a presentation from the moderator, before opening up into a panel discussion. The presentation will look at the size of the CPRI market, new entrants, capacities per product and claim stats - all with a view to giving an insight into the performance of the market during this time of crisis. The discussion will focus on new countries and sectors that can replace Russia and Russian commodities, where exporters are currently looking to grow, and what opportunities and challenges they foresee as they do so.
What has worked and what is missing?
Is the model still functioning effectively?
'Bureaucrazy' - are requirments limiting the potential of export finance at a core time?
Can decision times be shortened or eligibility loosened?
Which part of the export finance supply chain is most in need of revamping?
Is "Export Credit Agency" still the right term?
Role of ECAs in domestic business and domestic energy transition
ECAs in OECD borrower countries
What other ways might state support be delivered
The question of lender, guarantor, or provider of concessional finance?
Is the model still functioning correctly? ECAs: Why do a wide variety of ECAs focus more on working capital support?
What are the opportunities offered by working capital instruments for export finance?
Is more working capital support by ECAs desirable?
What role does an ECA play in encouraging a more diverse supply chain? What role does eligibility play, and what incentives can be put in place to encourage strategic sourcing, and friend-shoring?
Will we see a mismatch with eligibility requirements, which have become looser over time?
What role can ECAs play to ensure raw materials are secured?